the story
In the early 1940s, a young Steve McQueen, afflicted by a rough home life and a series of bad decisions, found himself in trouble with the law, and was sent to the Boys Republic, a residential school for at-risk youth in Chino Hills, California.
This experience would later be credited as one of the key influences in shaping the resilience, grit, and independence that defined McQueen's life and career.
Since its founding in 1907, Boys Republic has guided more than 33,000 at-risk teenage boys and girls toward productive, fulfilling lives. It is a private, nonprofit, nonsectarian school and treatment community that relies upon donations and fund raising activities to continue its good work.
Boys Republic and the Steve McQueen Estate, have agreed to engage in a fund raising program with Mason & Sons, who are donating 100% of the affiliate commission generated through sales of Steve McQueen merchandise.
We are delighted to launch the campaign with a collection of Steve McQueen Eyewear, which includes a reproduction of the sunglasses he wore on a visit to Boys Republic after becoming one of the world's most famous movie stars.
the unseen steve mcqueen
Steve McQueen had a highly publicised passion for fast cars and motorcycles, yet most of his acts of philanthropy remained unknown until after his death.
steve mcqueen and boys republic
Known for his incorrigible bad boy attitude and troubled youth, Steve McQueen was admitted to the California Chino Hills Boy’s Republic at age 15. In the 1960s, one of the return visits to his alma mater was captured on film by John Dominis for LIFE magazine.
steve mcqueen eyewear
One of the key elements in defining McQueen's style was his impeccable choice of eyewear. We have launched our Boys Republic fundraiser with a collection of sunglasses featuring iconic designs worn by the King of Cool in the 1960s..